- organized by SciTechArt, from 24.05.2017 – 06.06.2017, at: KunstRaumZwei, 1020 Vienna, Austria
Exhibition: Art as Research
Place: KunstRaumZwei in Vienna
Vernissage: 24th Mai, 18:30
Curator: Penesta Dika
The exhibition "Art as Research" (24. Mai - 5. June) will present the work of international artists (France, Italy, USA, Austria and Slovenia) in Vienna. In this exhibition the artists will exhibit their works of art, which have a research character.
The path of the development of the work of art will be included in the exhibition.
The exhibition will not only show the works of art, but will also document how the artist, while he is creative, also makes a research for its creation.
The artist explores the history, explores the techniques, studies other artists from the past, explores the emotions, and life in general. Furthermore, he deals with humans, plants and animals, their relationships, their existence. He deals with the space and the buildings.
In this context the exhibited artworks are accompanied by background materials such as photos, books, previous art works or other elements that shows their inspiration sources, thoughts and studies, and in this way document the process of the creation of the artworks.